H. E. Robson    HER Jewelry
Hannah Daniel

I was born and grew up in England and now live in the United States of America. I attended East Carolina University, in North Carolina, where I discovered my love of metal working and jewelry. I have always loved color and art. 

I am a mom/mum, wife, am getting my MBA, and also work full time.​ My life is always moving full speed. 

My aesthetic is influenced a lot by the juxtaposition of nature and industrialization. My other major influence are the experiences that i have been through in my life; a major part of which was moving to America in my teens. 

I recently starting designing and making one-of-a-kind quilled paper pieces that are embedded or cast in resin. These range from ornament size to small and most of the metal is sterling silver (unless other mentioned). 

Please send me a message if you are interested in any of these pieces.
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